CM Matte coating for CalTrans-Sound Wall Barriers, Anaheim, CA
IMRAE, partnered with Fullmer Construction and CC Myers, provided anti-graffiti sealer/stain on the new sound absorbing (SoundSorb®) walls on the “Gene Autry Way” on the Interstate 5 in the City of Anaheim,” a project by CALTRANS and the City of Anaheim. These installed precast wall panels are SoundSorb textured with Ashlar Stone and are designed to absorb approximately 90% of the traffic noise.
The sealer/stain (Yosemite brown color) applied on the concrete wall panel is tinted with our proprietary blend of colorants. Field testing by the designer and city inspectors preferred the CM Sealer/Stain due to it ability to sustain the sound absorptive characteristics, excellent hiding, color blend performance, and enhanced aesthetic appearance. Unlike, other coatings or paints the film properties of the sealer/stain helps maintain the breathability and absorptive qualities of the panels.