CoatMasters on Soundwalls for GDOT I-285 Project, Atlanta, GA
Final coating phase of GDOT (Georgia Department of Transportation) reconstruction project on interstate 285 NB from CR 4519 to Orchard Road is scheduled for completion by year’s end. A total of 900,000 square feet of Soundwall panels supplied by Oldcastle Precast was coated by CoatMasters Matte – Sacrificial Anti-Graffiti coating, an approved and qualified product by GDOT matched to Fed Std #36622, and was applied by airless spraying technique.
The entire I285 reconstruction is a billion-dollar project and considered one of the expensive highway projects in the state’s history. A portion of the work was performed by C.W. Matthews Contracting, Co. of Marietta, GA. The coating work began early of this year and is now in the final phase of its completion. Other participating contractors includes Finite Reimaging of Doraville, GA, coating installer and Construction Resource Group, Union, SC, CoatMasters product distributor in the South East.